At the end of March, colleagues from our subsidiary DRILLGEOROBOTICS took part in the VI Geological and Geophysical Conference.
Annually the forum has more than 500 participants. At the event, specialists share their experiences and make new contacts in the field of geological, physical, and related industries.
In 3 days, 145 reports were presented in the program in various scientific sessions. Evgeny Valentinovich Tyan, Technical Director, and Ilya Sergeevich Yakushev, President of the company, shared their experience in implementing the DrillGeo solution at the Rosgeologia project.
The conference was held simultaneously with an exhibition located in the Vernadsky Geological Museum. Booth of DRILLGEOROBOTICS presented solutions for automation of the drilling exploration. The solution DrillGeo collects data on drilling and the condition of equipment in real-time automatically. Telemetry data is presented in the form of dashboards on the operator’s screen and the dispatcher’s web interface reports.