
Automated drill
management system

DrillManager lets you control the drilling in accordance with the project, which ensures that the rock will collapse properly and minimize flyrock duringblasting.

You can see the drilling process right on the on-board monitor in real time. The drilling process is displayed on the on-board monitors in real-time. Both operator and dispatcher receive the data оn the current depth, the project depth, the angle of the mast, the drilling rate and other important information.

The drill operator receives the project right from the office software, which decreases your dependency on survey operations like mine surveying and grid marking.

DrillManager tracks the drill rate, depth to the target goal, drilling time and other key parameters. Monitoring this data in real time allows you to analyze rock density at the certain depths and other landscape irregularities and thus promptly adapt the plans for blasting operations.

Read more about solution implementation results at AO “Mezhdurechie”

Additional products to increase safety of operations that involve mining and transportation equipment and workers


DVR system


Separate application for the accountancy of the drill tools and their health

Implementing DrillManager will allow you to:


Increases the efficiency of your drilling operations
Makes sure you accurately reach the target depth of the project, gives you control over the depth of the drilled hole.
Makes sure the drilling operations are carried out according to the project grid.
Helps your production to be less affected by the hours of darkness and limited visibility conditions
High precision navigation and positioning (up to ± 10см)
Reduce the survey costs on the marking of the grid and checking the drilling results

What you can achieve:

  • Reduce the amount of surveying operations required for the block thanks to the navigation system and digital projects.
  • Increase productivity in limited visibility environments and poor weather conditions.
  • Increase the blasted rock mass output of proper quality by 8% thanks to automated drilling grid formation.
  • Decrease consumption of explosives by 8% thanks to telemetric data for every block
  • Increase productivity of your drills by 3% thanks to increased navigation speed and optimization of downtimes;
  • Increase productivity of your shovels and reduce costs by 6% thanks to optimized fragmentation of the rock and more efficient crushing.

“Trial operations in “Barzasskoye Tovarishestvo” had shown that blasts performed with high-precision GPS positioning led to a reduction of the size of charges for more than half of the holes. In a month, consumption of explosives decreased by 5% on average – which is about 12 tons”- notes our client “Stroyservise”.

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