MSS is a complex system aimed at preventing accidents at coal enrichment plants and sites. Technical facilities requirements were received from Rostekhnadzor within the framework OF Order №428 “On the approval of Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety “Safety rules for processing, enrichment, and briquetting of coal”.
MSS must comply with the requirements rules in the field of industrial safety and technical regulation, ensuring the unity of measuring instruments and standards for explosion-proof electrical equipment, automation systems, and gas analysis equipment.
There are MSS at coal enrichment plants provide:
The aerogas control system
Air dust control system
Fire protection:
- System of detecting early signs of endogenous and exogenous fires and their localization
- System of worker’s communication and notification
- System of determining the location of factory workers
- System of searching and detecting workers who have been in an accident
- System of operational, loud-speaking, emergency communication and notification
How does it work? A plant system collects data on technical devices and equipment serviceability in real time thanks to telemetry sensors. After that the information transmits to the local net and then to PLC, an internal MSS server, and Rostekhnadzor server.
The System allows you to control the work performance of the entire plant and respond in time to equipment operational errors.
MSS has a hierarchical multilevel structure and includes:
- Control system
- Local net
- Plant’s MSS server
- Plant’s control room
- Rostekhnadzor’s Mss Server
- Rostekhnadzor’s control room
MSS system controls the drilling & blasting, loading and dumping, and transportation at coal and other sites. According to 559 paragraphs of the Order, MSS must provide:
- Control open-pit mining performance according to project decisions and the calendar’s plan of mining development
- Monitoring the operation of the main mining equipment
- Monitoring the geomechanical and seismic processes
- Systems of notification and location for equipment and personnel
- Systems of communication with two independent channels with Professional Emergency Rescue Services or Formations (PERS(F) divisions serving the coal site
- Other safety systems or subsystems according to coal site specific
MSS at the Barzas’ enrichment plant
Following the instructions of Rostechnadzor, Stroyservice JSC implemented the MSS at the Barzasskaya enrichment plant. Our company RIT Automation was chosen to implement the project.
We collected all the plant’s systems into a single, based on the upper level of software. It allows control systems of aero gas and dust monitoring and fire alarm systems by processing signals with an automated process control system of the plant, dust analyzers, and gas analyzers.
Our company can implement MSS at any coal enrichment plant regardless of the year of construction and equipment. The necessary technical means are selected for the implementation of the project.
MSS has a hierarchical multilevel structure and includes:
- Control system
- Local net
- Plant’s MSS server
- Plant’s control room
- Rostekhnadzor’s Mss Server
- Rostekhnadzor’s control room
MSS system controls the drilling & blasting, loading and dumping, and transportation at coal and other sites. According to 559 paragraphs of the Order, MSS must provide:
- Control open-pit mining performance according to project decisions and the calendar’s plan of mining development
- Monitoring the operation of the main mining equipment
- Monitoring the geomechanical and seismic processes
- Systems of notification and location for equipment and personnel
- Systems of communication with two independent channels with Professional Emergency Rescue Services or Formations (PERS(F) divisions serving the coal site
- Other safety systems or subsystems according to coal site specific
MSS at the Barzas’ enrichment plant
Following the instructions of Rostechnadzor, Stroyservice JSC implemented the MSS at the Barzasskaya enrichment plant. Our company RIT Automation was chosen to implement the project.
We collected all the plant’s systems into a single, based on the upper level of software. It allows control systems of aero gas and dust monitoring and fire alarm systems by processing signals with an automated process control system of the plant, dust analyzers, and gas analyzers.
Our company can implement MSS at any coal enrichment plant regardless of the year of construction and equipment. The necessary technical means are selected for the implementation of the project.