RIT Automation participated in 15-th mining-geological forum MINEX Russia 2019 that took place in Moscow from October 8 to October 10.
The main topic this year was “Foresight of the development of Russian mining-geological industry”.
President of our company Ilya Yakushev participated in the first ever contest Mine Digital 2019 Mine Digital 2019 that was held during the forum.
On October 9th, Ilya Yakushev gave a presentation “A step towards Industry 4.0 for blasting operations. Automated management system for MEMU BlastManager based on high precision positioning technologies”.
We value our clients and are always ready to let you know about the new ways to enhance performance and production of your mine site or to answer any of your other questions.
Call us +7 (383) 233 71 73 or email us to sale@rit-it.com